Home / 3ds Max Corona / Interior design is a tedious, expensive and responsible business. ⠀ Not received

Interior design is a tedious, expensive and responsible business. ⠀ Not received


Interior design is a tedious expensive and responsible business. ⠀
It did not work out if you lived in an environment that escaped a local craftsman and you have to postpone the rework for a long time so as not to undermine the budget. ⠀

I think in this situation there are only two correct ones ::

The first is to invite a professional designer with extensive experience recommendations and a good portfolio. I work with many designers I can recommend a whole list please contact 😉 😉

The second possibility is to master the profession of interior designer from the ground up. Yes if you want to do a miracle with your own hands you need knowledge and thorough knowledge. And the mere acquaintance with other people's ideas even if they are perfectly embodied is indispensable

In the end even design geniuses were newcomers who decided to turn their own room into something exclusive and as comfortable as possible

By the way my partners @ 3dsmax_space are recruiting for the course: "Interior in 3DS Max + Corona from scratch" ⠀

In one month you will learn the profession of 3D visualizer get a portfolio with over 4 high-quality renderings a certificate a video with useful information and free advertising for theses for a target audience of 45000 people. Upon completion of the course @ 3smax_space curators offer full support and advice online

For publication I have attached a gallery of 5 renderings created at the School of Visualization and Design @ 3dsmax_space ⠀

Beginning: 29th of August. Online Format: Sign up for courses and within a month you'll be in a pleasant shock of your new abilities and a new way of earning! ⠀
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How do you work on 3dsmax_space schools? ⠀
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